נפגשים כל יום רביעי בשעה 13:00 במסעדת שוואטינא בת גלים, חיפה
Meeting every Wednesday on 13:00 at shawatina restaurant, Bat Galim, Haifa

05/04/2006 - ישיבה עסקית

בישיבה עסקית הציג קני גרידינגר את שני המילגאים מהודו , מלגאי קרן המלגות ע"ש משה גרידינגר ז"ל לשנת 2005/06

פ ת י ח ה
למען החברים הצעירים במועדון,  אחזור במשפט אחד על קרן המלגות האזורית של רוטרי ע"ש אבי ז"ל, שהיה אחד מהחברים המייסדים של מועדון ת"א-יפו בשנת 1933. הקרן הוקמה ביזמת מועדון ת"א-יפו, מועדוננו ומשפחתי ומביאה לארץ מדי שנה משתלמים בוגרי אוניברסיטאות המומלצים ע"י אזורי רוטרי ברחבי העולם. נמנים על הנהלת הקרן חברינו עמנואל גורלי ונפתלי ויטמן כנציגי אחד המועדונים המייסדים.
Comes from Gujarat District 3060 in India and is specializing in Public Health medicine at the Hadassah Medical School, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem .
Dr. Chaudhury completed his studies and specialized in Preventive Medicine at the Patel Medical Centre in Karamsad in India. Amongst his other activities he organized health camps and nutritional rehabilitation programmes in the education system of his residential district – this with the help of local institutions and personalities – amongst them the Rotary Clubs .
I would like to point out that Dr. Chaudhury is the second scholar to participate in the same course at the Hebrew University Medical School under the auspices of our Scholarship Fund. Several years a a doctor from the Philippines received a similar scholarship and I recently received a report from him to the effect that he has been appointed to an important position in the Philippine vernment Health Services – this thanks to the specialized knowledge which he acquired within the scope of our Rotary scholarship .
Comes to us from Gujarat District 3060 in India. He is specializing at the Volcani Institute in the subject of “Biological Control of Plant Parasitic Nematodes”. Ajay completed his studies at the Agricultural University in India with distinction and before coming to Israel worked a senior researcher at the Agricultural Research Centre in New Delhi .
A year a Ajay received a scholarship from our Ministry of Foreign Affairs to participate in a research program at the Volcani Institute. His supervising professor in Volcani recommended that our Scholarship Fund grant him the opportunity to continue his specialization for another year .
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